jeudi 20 septembre 2012

"So What?!" —J.

Don't need to tell you that So What?! is that crazy song by P!nk. This girl is just so delusional! I love her style, the way she acts in her music videos, she's is just incredible! Anyway, P!nk reminds me a lot of good moments I spent, so a few minutes ago I was stuck with the title, so I decided not to take a music that will have a lyrics that reminds me the topic I wanna expose, but just a song I like and that make me feel good and happy. So here it is, P!nk, SO WHAT?!

I have severals things I want to write about today!
First one good new, for me : I finally found a school! :) YAY! I won't have to listen my dad say "Jessica?! hmm, for the moment she doesn't do anything…She's waiting for a school that can take her, but they are all full..!" with this regret and disapointment in his voice... Finally he can be proud of me! :) And for me that means a lot, even if I'm not always great with him, I often desagree his decisions about me and my lifestyle. Anyways, he is my dad and I want him to be proud.

More about family, but now not "home-family". These past two saturdays I visit family I didn't see for a whiiiiiiiiile! Two weeks ago it was my godfather and godmother. It was nice to see them after that long! They have 3 children. The girl is 18, the boy is 14 and the little boy is 5. They are so cute.
And last week it was my father's cousins. We used to leave in the same building for 5 years. But it was like 8 years ago. But I spent my childwood with their son. My cousin. 2 years younger than me. He is cool. He made me laugh, juste like my godfather's older son.
It makes me see how cool it feels to share some good moments with your fam. They are very important. And if you have the chance to be close to them, don't screw up. Even family can't rule your entiere life, and friends are super important too, friends won't replace your family. And your family won't replace your friends. Even if you consider your friends like your fam and your fam like your friends. We need both, I guess.
I know I'm really lucky to have such a big family, cousins everywhere! I'm sure when I'm spending time in Portugal I met with some people I don't know and that actually are members of my "gang" ! lmao

Talking about Portugal...
Just like I said in my lastest tweets I was supposed to spent some days these coming weeks. Just to visit my grandma' and my two cousins I only saw 2 days because we had to leave to go my other grandpas' city. But that was planned because I was a school-less girl. And as I'm not anymore, my little days of holidays were canceled... Anyway, I didn't even take a ticket for a flight or something.
But I would have enjoy to spent some days there. Let's be clear, I love Portugal... Just not when I HAVE to go, and not during summer.
Summer is great for the weather, it's hot, sunny, you can't enjoy everything you want, it's summer you can't do whatever (or not) you want!
But during Summer, there are too many french people! I see them all year long here, so guys, just go please and let me enjoy the real Portugal, not your screwed up accent and your bullshits and crazy needs to be just as tanned as burnt steak! Please!
So I would have enjoy some days in september/october there! AMAZING! Without my parents I would have be free, out all day, visiting the town, hanging around to find some cool-real-portuguese to talk with... Visit some bars I don't know... Party like I never did in Portugal because I wasn't old enough... LIFE! :)
But well, it's bittersweet to talk about it knowing that this little freedom moment is out of project now..! Or maybe I can runaway with my car?! But if I do, I'll stop WAAAAAAAY before Portugal. Spain will be enough. More I didn't really get to meet Spanish people this summer... Spanish run away from Spain during summer or what?! lmao. I would like to turn back, but not in summer... Just to see the real Spanish culture, way of living and not only for clubs and parties! (even if this is an AMAZINGLY CRAZY PART!!!!!!) Anyway!
Won't talk too much more... I have another idea of post I couldn't mix with this one... And a brand new title lmao! CRJ made some cool stuffs for the new album! :)

I'm coming back soon with something maybe more interesting! ;)


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