lundi 2 juillet 2012

"She Will Be Loved" -by Jessica

She Will be Loved, is another song of Maroon 5. I'm so in love with Adam's voice. And with Adam himself. I love this song. Always loved it!
Just to tell something about Maroon 5 : They started their carreer 10 years ago, in 2002. I was only 9 and I already liked the songs. Ten years after, I'm not a child anymore, i still love the songs, I'm in love with the singer who looks far better than ten years ago, and well, now I can tell him that I'm legal... Okay, rude. And that's pretty the same for Shakira... for the SONGS! I'm not in love with her ..! Anyways...

I didn't came with a special aim. Today I went to Paris with my cousin's girlfriend. I really like her, she's really nice! Talked a lot about her relationship with him, but anyways, "engaged" people (they are together for two years now... yes she's 18 too) always talk about their couple. But she's cool anyway. We went to the Arts' bridge with all thoses lockers with couples names and anniversary's date. That's soooooooo romantic. HHHUMM!! I'm alone! LMAO. Not that I don't like it. I enjoy my singleness (exists? who cares!?). I don't wanna "grow" too fast (part of me : "HELLO! you are considered as grown, so act like an adult and stop saying that you don't wanna grow too fast... It's already done!" ; other part of "Oh, you shut the fuck up!!! She's a teenage girl who has a lot to learn, she is still like a little kid..!" Yes, I'm both, and?!!!) (don't pay too much attention to it, I'm not schizophrenic, just tired!).

And I read Nano's post saying that she's just a kid hated by her boss... I'm sure it's not true! She can't hate you! And be brave... It's soon over. School is coming fast. This bitch is always faster than evrything else! 

Don't go too speed, because even if you think you are tacking advantage, the time isn't going faster. Wait for the right moment to do things. And faster you run, closer is the end.
It's useless to run, good things come to those who wait. But don't wait to much, huh! (See, I'm so divided in my own self! Or maybe this isn't being divided, but balanced. Yeah, I prefer to be balanced. "Dude, I'm balanced, ok!?")

LOVE (and crazyness, tonight!),
