lundi 30 juillet 2012

L.O.V.E or what? -N

Hello everyone, Nano again, it's my day off, so I am just like, let's write something!

Okay, so today I feel irritated, and I kinda hate this feeling. And I needed to write this, so, well, here it is.
I completely love being lonely, by myself, so I can think, and think, and think, seriously the conversations with myself are amazing! haha I am kidding
But sometimes, like today for example, I just want to meet someone and feel like Im in a movie you know? I sometimes want to get this feeling that makes you smile in a very stupid way. I want someone to look me in the eyes and tell me "you're beautiful" and "I love you". And this is kinda creepy to me to say that because I usually think these things are annoying, creepy, and dumb. Haha, tomorrow Im gonna read this and say "What the hell are you saying? Youre so pathetic". But yeah, sometimes, I have this girly comedy romantic feeling, and I want to meet someone. But in the other hand, whenever I picture myself with a guy, holding my hand or stuffs like that, I just freak out, and yell, "HELL NO!"
So yep, I am schizophrenic but what can I do? Is there anyone around here to help me out?
I guess Im just gonna stop it, now.

xoxo, Nano
From FrenchiesInLA

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