lundi 23 juillet 2012

"Gotas de Água Doce" —J

Gotas de Água Doce, is one of Michel Telo's songs. It means "Drops of Sweet Water", I chose this title because I'm gonna speak about beach and because it was in Portuguese and you are gonna understand really fast why I wanted a Portuguese title. Just keep reading if you can :)

I'm working for one week know! I'm really tired because of being up 7hours per day! But that was at the beginning! Know I'm kindda used to!
I have fun at work! My workmate is super kind, and my boss is really cool (the first day he told a customer that him and I will be married soon... LMAO!).
I met a lot of people that comes to see me and say "Oh, poor you, you have no one here..." and start to speak with me. In fact, just to let you imagine what I'm doing : I'm in a supermarket with the aim to make know a brand that rent material for some houseworks, so I'm standing there waiting for people to come and ask for things! So all the workers of the supermarket come and speak with me.
There is one dude really beautiful lmao! Another one, old one, asked me to go to the restaurant with him! I was like disgusted!!!!!! OMG! Know I'm kind of bad with him! I can't stand old men that ask young girls to dinner and began to say "oh, you're really pretty.." weirdos! You make me sick! You better join a psychiatrich hospital, mother fucker!
WHATEVER! It's work and well, the other men are cool with me but they didn't asked me, hopefully!

Yesterday, Sunday, July 22nd, I went with my two compis (compañeras; friends, in Spanish) to Paris-Plage! The little artificial beach they created on the Quais-de-Seine! That's lovely! There is sand, people who want to tan... Incredible!
So we went there, and while my friends were buying something to eat on the "beach", the guy that was serving them was looking at me and saying "you're pretty, huh", okay, weirdos again! And at the same moment, a dad with his little boy where next to me, and the second after, the little boy was missing! The dad asked us if we saw the boy and nobody was able to locate him! I was super worried! So while the parents where looking for the little boy thanks to some person's indication ("I think I saw him running in that way... i guess..."), I told the parents I will stay with their first kid, the big bro of the little runaway! Everything ended up right, the little boy was found and the family was complete! So well, we keep on walking enjoying that amazing burning sun (that made me take some coulours in the arms and burnt my nose and cheeks! greeeeeeeeaaaat! --').
I couldn't danse with my beautiful American this time! (last year, an American boy, a SEXY American boy, came, grabed me by the hand and made me danse Salsa with him! He was like Adam Levine, tattooed, and sexy, and beautiful, and charming, and amazing... I was in love! lmao)
So this year we decided to leave the beach sooner and just go walk through Paris' full streets.
WAIT... It's not over! lmao
On of my friend was thirsty, so she wanted to go to the McDonald's to buy an IceTea. My two friends entered first and my best friend told me "Jess, you're gonna have two others men on you" (she thinks every boy, men or whoever is on me! She's cray!). I finally enter and was standing there and watch the two men she was talking about, and turn back the face.
One of them said :
"Olá!" (hello in Portuguese)
I replied the same thing.
He said "Esta tudo?" (Evrything is okay?/how are you?)
I replied and asked me if I spoke Portuguese. I told him yes. So him and his friend began to talk with me. We spoke about what they were doing here. They thought I was here just for my studies, and I told them that I was French but that my parents were Portuguese. They told me that they were super happy to speak with a Portuguese, and that meeting someone that could speak with them was amazing. Even if they seemed really kind, I followed my friends when they went away from them and me. My best friend always to this to me, when a man starts speaking with me, even if he's weird she go away. I hate it! Because if I get in trouble, she can't help me.
I was really happy to speak with these guys! They were really kind, even if they were staring at me weirdly.
After, my best friend got stuck on the story, saying that I was really lucky to speak many lenguage to be able to speak with a lot of cute guys (they weren't that cute, lol), and that I was lucky that everytime we go to Paris, strangers look at me and say to me that I'm pretty (the looks happen to everyone, and the saying-"pretty"-thing isn't ALL the time!). And then she told me the thing I hate the most : "I'm so jalous of you!!!". She told me that even for the creepy man in the supermarket that asked me out.
How can you be jealous of being asked out by 40 year-old men, that are ugly?!!!!
So well, I hate when she tells me that she would like to have that much men watching at her, blahblahblah. She thinks everybody looks at me, but sorry, it's wrong! I'm not that pretty, I don't think I'm great physically, so well! It annoys me when she thinks she's less pretty than me, because this isn't true!

Well, anyways! Yesterday was a cool day! I loved the part of talking with the men. Even if I don't think Portugal is the best country ever, the most beautiful lenguage on earth, it's my roots.
Be careful, I don't like this "Proud of being...." thing! Of course you're proud of your roots, but well, keep your pride for you, showing it up isn't necessary. Just keep it cool, it's your identity, not a competition of pride...

Sorry for the big thing. I just needed to free my mind about it. About my best friend stupid-jalousy-thing! I'm good now, LMAO.

By the way, this same best friend that is "jealous", she brought me VANS! She's crazy, I don't know why she did it!
So well, I'm officially up for my marriage with Kendall. Waiting you, babe.

Thanks if you read it, if not, you came for the love I'm sending to you guys!


Dulce Jessica

(links to my Pinterest and my! Check it out!)

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