lundi 30 juillet 2012

L.O.V.E or what? -N

Hello everyone, Nano again, it's my day off, so I am just like, let's write something!

Okay, so today I feel irritated, and I kinda hate this feeling. And I needed to write this, so, well, here it is.
I completely love being lonely, by myself, so I can think, and think, and think, seriously the conversations with myself are amazing! haha I am kidding
But sometimes, like today for example, I just want to meet someone and feel like Im in a movie you know? I sometimes want to get this feeling that makes you smile in a very stupid way. I want someone to look me in the eyes and tell me "you're beautiful" and "I love you". And this is kinda creepy to me to say that because I usually think these things are annoying, creepy, and dumb. Haha, tomorrow Im gonna read this and say "What the hell are you saying? Youre so pathetic". But yeah, sometimes, I have this girly comedy romantic feeling, and I want to meet someone. But in the other hand, whenever I picture myself with a guy, holding my hand or stuffs like that, I just freak out, and yell, "HELL NO!"
So yep, I am schizophrenic but what can I do? Is there anyone around here to help me out?
I guess Im just gonna stop it, now.

xoxo, Nano
From FrenchiesInLA

vendredi 27 juillet 2012

Nano's back? Ok, shut up now.

Hello guys, Nano here, what's up?! So my room is a huge mess, and I have to clean it up, but I don't. But I have nothing else to do, so I was just like "hey, it's been a while I didn't write a post, so let's do this!"
Yep, I am a bit crazy.
Ok, so what's up with you guys? Anything new? How are you vacations doing? I am talking alone? Yep, i know. Anyways!!
So, I'm working as well, I hate this, today's my day off, but I don't wanna talk about this so I just write words and there it is. Ok, I'll stop saying useless stuffs, lol.
What can I say? Wednesday was my sister's birthday, she turned 20, it was pretty cool, she invited some friends and we talked a lot. I love them, they're like my sisters too, and it feels right to know that I am that close to my sister and her friends. Her bestfriend and I decided to take her in London for a little weekend, AFTER the olympics, obviously, and she was happy about that! I also bought her macaroons because I know how much she loves that. And that was a pretty good night.

Talking about me, I am not having the best summer ever, but it's okay. I am already nervous about next year, the exams, the huge books I have to read (I'll have to read Jane Eyre, guys, Jane Eyre!!!) And I really really hope it's gonna work.
About boys, nothing on its way, I don't know a lot of guys right now, so I'm sure it's gonna come one day, when I'll be ready; A 40 years old dude has as well a crush on me, but i'll get through that. I remember that day, I was working at Rivoli, and some guys came to see me and asked me my age because one of their friend said I was cute. Yep, the dude was cute but he was way younger than me, and I think they were americans, so well, yeah.
About clothes, I bought a really cool dress last week, I'll try to  show you guys, I really love this one, and also shoes (that hurts my feet a lot) but that I love anyways!
So, I'll better clean my room because it's getting really bad, like my brother's room is cleaner, lol.
I'll see you guys soon, if anyone is reading this.
Tons of Love
xoxo, Nano
From FrenchiesInLa

lundi 23 juillet 2012

"Gotas de Água Doce" —J

Gotas de Água Doce, is one of Michel Telo's songs. It means "Drops of Sweet Water", I chose this title because I'm gonna speak about beach and because it was in Portuguese and you are gonna understand really fast why I wanted a Portuguese title. Just keep reading if you can :)

I'm working for one week know! I'm really tired because of being up 7hours per day! But that was at the beginning! Know I'm kindda used to!
I have fun at work! My workmate is super kind, and my boss is really cool (the first day he told a customer that him and I will be married soon... LMAO!).
I met a lot of people that comes to see me and say "Oh, poor you, you have no one here..." and start to speak with me. In fact, just to let you imagine what I'm doing : I'm in a supermarket with the aim to make know a brand that rent material for some houseworks, so I'm standing there waiting for people to come and ask for things! So all the workers of the supermarket come and speak with me.
There is one dude really beautiful lmao! Another one, old one, asked me to go to the restaurant with him! I was like disgusted!!!!!! OMG! Know I'm kind of bad with him! I can't stand old men that ask young girls to dinner and began to say "oh, you're really pretty.." weirdos! You make me sick! You better join a psychiatrich hospital, mother fucker!
WHATEVER! It's work and well, the other men are cool with me but they didn't asked me, hopefully!

Yesterday, Sunday, July 22nd, I went with my two compis (compañeras; friends, in Spanish) to Paris-Plage! The little artificial beach they created on the Quais-de-Seine! That's lovely! There is sand, people who want to tan... Incredible!
So we went there, and while my friends were buying something to eat on the "beach", the guy that was serving them was looking at me and saying "you're pretty, huh", okay, weirdos again! And at the same moment, a dad with his little boy where next to me, and the second after, the little boy was missing! The dad asked us if we saw the boy and nobody was able to locate him! I was super worried! So while the parents where looking for the little boy thanks to some person's indication ("I think I saw him running in that way... i guess..."), I told the parents I will stay with their first kid, the big bro of the little runaway! Everything ended up right, the little boy was found and the family was complete! So well, we keep on walking enjoying that amazing burning sun (that made me take some coulours in the arms and burnt my nose and cheeks! greeeeeeeeaaaat! --').
I couldn't danse with my beautiful American this time! (last year, an American boy, a SEXY American boy, came, grabed me by the hand and made me danse Salsa with him! He was like Adam Levine, tattooed, and sexy, and beautiful, and charming, and amazing... I was in love! lmao)
So this year we decided to leave the beach sooner and just go walk through Paris' full streets.
WAIT... It's not over! lmao
On of my friend was thirsty, so she wanted to go to the McDonald's to buy an IceTea. My two friends entered first and my best friend told me "Jess, you're gonna have two others men on you" (she thinks every boy, men or whoever is on me! She's cray!). I finally enter and was standing there and watch the two men she was talking about, and turn back the face.
One of them said :
"Olá!" (hello in Portuguese)
I replied the same thing.
He said "Esta tudo?" (Evrything is okay?/how are you?)
I replied and asked me if I spoke Portuguese. I told him yes. So him and his friend began to talk with me. We spoke about what they were doing here. They thought I was here just for my studies, and I told them that I was French but that my parents were Portuguese. They told me that they were super happy to speak with a Portuguese, and that meeting someone that could speak with them was amazing. Even if they seemed really kind, I followed my friends when they went away from them and me. My best friend always to this to me, when a man starts speaking with me, even if he's weird she go away. I hate it! Because if I get in trouble, she can't help me.
I was really happy to speak with these guys! They were really kind, even if they were staring at me weirdly.
After, my best friend got stuck on the story, saying that I was really lucky to speak many lenguage to be able to speak with a lot of cute guys (they weren't that cute, lol), and that I was lucky that everytime we go to Paris, strangers look at me and say to me that I'm pretty (the looks happen to everyone, and the saying-"pretty"-thing isn't ALL the time!). And then she told me the thing I hate the most : "I'm so jalous of you!!!". She told me that even for the creepy man in the supermarket that asked me out.
How can you be jealous of being asked out by 40 year-old men, that are ugly?!!!!
So well, I hate when she tells me that she would like to have that much men watching at her, blahblahblah. She thinks everybody looks at me, but sorry, it's wrong! I'm not that pretty, I don't think I'm great physically, so well! It annoys me when she thinks she's less pretty than me, because this isn't true!

Well, anyways! Yesterday was a cool day! I loved the part of talking with the men. Even if I don't think Portugal is the best country ever, the most beautiful lenguage on earth, it's my roots.
Be careful, I don't like this "Proud of being...." thing! Of course you're proud of your roots, but well, keep your pride for you, showing it up isn't necessary. Just keep it cool, it's your identity, not a competition of pride...

Sorry for the big thing. I just needed to free my mind about it. About my best friend stupid-jalousy-thing! I'm good now, LMAO.

By the way, this same best friend that is "jealous", she brought me VANS! She's crazy, I don't know why she did it!
So well, I'm officially up for my marriage with Kendall. Waiting you, babe.

Thanks if you read it, if not, you came for the love I'm sending to you guys!


Dulce Jessica

(links to my Pinterest and my! Check it out!)

jeudi 12 juillet 2012

STORY … -Jessica.

Story is the title of the 17th track on Maroon 5's second album It Won't Be Soon Before Long. As you already know, Maroon 5, and more particulary, Adam Levine are my new obssession. Overexposed is put on reapeat all day long! So, as I came with no particular reason, just to tell some things, "story" was a good title. (As you also know, I always peek song's titles for my posts')

So well, I didn't want to speak about something specific. I just love to write what's on my mind. It helps me not to keep it all for my own, even if I keep a lot of things... I guess everybody has secrets. Right?
Today I had my day of "training" for the job I'll start this monday afternoon! It was really cool! I've met two nice girls. I'll work with one of them. My other mate will be a boy. I saw him but we didn't talk yet. On monday I hope he will be there so I'll be able to talk a bit with him. I like to feel comfortable with the persons I'll work with, more when they are the same age. So today was cool. We were just 4 girls (1 was there with her boyfriend so she kind of not exists, lol). There were much more boys. Shy boys! LOL
I was playing with my pen and, inadvertently, I let it go, tried to catch it and made it worth so it landed over my neighbour's laps when he was texting. And I was like "Oh, Excuse me! I'm sorry", and that clumsiness was the only way to make him laugh! GREAT! -_-' Dude, ¡animo, joder! Move on! lol 
Two of them were just scary! They seemed really nice, but when we were in that sort of classroom, everytime I looked up they were staring at me! So I was watching my face in my miror to see if I hadn't something weird on my face, of something but well, I don't know! LMAO!
Whatever, it was cool. I wa afraid at first, to be alone, but I quickly began to speak with the girls. I can say that lately, one of my friend (a dude) is helping me hard with this! He knows I'm not self confident but he says me "you go and you say, 'hey here I am, and what?!'! Establish yourself". And that sentence was in my head all day long... It's true, I have to show up who I am. If people don't like me.. Well FUCK OFF! I don't care. I've never cared about that. But I've always been this kind of girl who doesn't really want to make the others known she's here.

Well, whatever! Sorry for telling my life!!
What else..? Yes! I am super fucking tired! lol So I think I won't stay too much if I want to have a chance to wake up before 3PM tomorrow, lmao!

Hmmh, what to say more than days are awful! It's always raining! We're July, 12th! DO YOU IMAGINE? I'm scared that December 21st of 24th is true..! They say Mayas predicted crazy and inexpected weather, climatic catastrophes... All happened!
I think we should had carried our planet way longer before! We've been so selfish like "And what, if the world has to desapear in 150 years? I won't be here!!" Yes, but this this 150th year is maybe 2012! So don't cry went you'll see the sun coming way to close to you! You should have throw you chewing gum out in the garbage, and not in the floor.
Well, don't pay attention. The fact that I'm tired makes me say stupid things! And more I'm really upset that we have a summer that bad!

Enjoy your Summer if you have the luck to have one!




mardi 10 juillet 2012

#10PaisesQueQuieroConocer / #10CountriesIWannaKnow —J

There is this Trending topic on twitter this morning. This make me dream! There are so many countries I would like to visit! So let's go to my top 10!! :)

#1 : USA !
#3 : BRAZIL !
#4 : SPAIN !
#5: GREECE !
#6 : MEXICO !
#8 : ICELAND !
#10 : CORSICA !

Voilà ! :)
I choose those countries because I've never been there and they seem absolutly fabulous! I've been in Spain... I cross Spain every year, but I only went once to stay and visit, but I was a kid, so I would like to go for a long period and chill there!!!
Corsica is part of France... I would like to know more about my own country! I've traveled in France. I've been to many places but never in the Côte d'Azur or in Corsica! And I really wanna go there!
Iceland... Definitly not for the temperature, but for the amazing landscapes, the geysers..!
New Caledonia... I have a friend from there. She came here to study and show me some pics of her hometown, Nouméa... DUDE IT'S AMAZING! Actually it's the winter there (just like in Australia, Brazil, Argentina...) but the weather is like 100 hundred times better than here, in Paris!!!!
Greece, because I'm in love everytime I see pics from there, and Mamma Mia, the movie made me just fall SUPER in love!
Brazil because I love Brazilian Portuguese, and I would like to visit Rio De Janeiro and this amazing statut of O Cristo Rendedor! (the Christ!), and because I love Brazilian music: samba, batucada...
Argentina because I'm just in love with this country!! I love the way Argentinian live, how they speak, how they are! Just love it! :)
and USA... I think I don't need to explain... FrenchiesInLa says it all, right! ?

Hope you enjoyed and hope I'll make you wanna know some countries you weren't interested in! ;)


lundi 9 juillet 2012

Thank you, Nano. -Jessica.

I know you're tired of me thanking you, but I can't help saying that if I really have to thank you.
 Dear Nano,

First thank you again for the gift. And now, thank you for the amazing birthday text you wrote me! I can't really bealieve I'm the girl you're talking to in your text. But if you see me that way, I'm more than happy! Just know that you give me back everything, and with any doubt more.
If I can make you hope and believe in this, it because you make me believe it too, even if you don't know it. You know I'll still hope and believe because that's just me. I was born a dreamer and I will die a dreamer. Yesterday, a friend told me "I use to say this 'Talent is to wanna make your dreams come true'". I think it's beautiful. And we do have talent!
I know it became a little bit hard those months. College doesn't help for the dreaming part, because I have to say that College crushed me down, made me doubt a lot about what I will become.
But I always have the same needs, the same dream(s). And my biggest dream is to make our dream come true. It makes a lot of dreams... But some made their life a dream. Let's make our dreams a life!

Thank you again!

Love ya!



Happy late birthday... but happy birthday anyway! -N

Hello whoever is watching this! :D Ok, so last Saturday, Miss DulceJessica turned 19. Unfortunately, I didn't have a computer to write a text like I used to do each year for her birthday. But I do have a computer now, so I'm writing this. I wrote the text on saturday but I publish it only today! Sorry J! Here it is

Dear Jessica,
So, today, you're nineteen.What I love about our birthdays is that I finally can writehow I feel about you and never sound creepy. Jessica, I woud never thank you enough for what you did. You brought me happiness and what a teenage girl needed the most, hope.
You made me feel like being different was okay and that I didn't have to please everyone. I am who I am and you get me. You're the girl I'm not afraid to scare.
FrenchiesInLA does exist, and this, thanks to you. I don't know if you still believe in our dream but I do because acting brings me happiness and so do you. I don't like this reaity. People are scary a,d sad. And I am a dreamer.
I do know that I sound like a kid but so what? People sound like killers and I don't say a word.

Anyways, Jessica, all this to tell you thank you, I love you and I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I feel safer with you by my side. You'll always be in my heart, not because you're smart, not because your beauty is insane, not because you're kind but because there is no way I could forget you. (I am not gay, I swear!)

xoxo, Nano
From FrenchiesInLA

"Get Back In My Life" -Jessica

Get Back In My Life, is a song from Maroon 5's Hands all over album! (Yes, I'm a huge fan!). The title is exactly what I think I should do every year. Have a look back in my life:

Wednesday July 7th, 1993 - 3:15PM : My first scream... Definitly not the last.
19 years after, I'm still the same girl screaming and annoying mis papas, maybe more now than when I was only a few minutes baby-born.
Anyway. What changed? A lot! What changed since I'm 18? Nothing! My 18 weren't really big. I mean I didn't do something really important, just entered a big French College from which I wanted to runaway 4 months after joining it, I got my driving licence (okay, that was big!), and... nothing more. It was maybe the year I spend most of the time dubting about myself and asking me what kind of person will I be... and more Who I really am. But I think I know that, I know who I am, even if I can't explain it "única e irrepetible, al igual que todos en este planeta." ("Unique and unrepeatable, just like everyone in this planet.").

Anyway! So this Saturday, July 7th was my 19th birthday. I received my family for the diner and I enjoyed a good evening with them. I don't really like to celebrate my birthday because I don't really like this part when everyone is watching at you when  all those candles are in front of you saying "See, we are more than last year, but less than next! Be careful, time is going on, but you don't!" (okay, the candles didn't say that... but they could!!) and I don't really like presents. I feel terrible receiveing them! I don't think I deserve more than the presence of people I love! And I think that as long as they can be here, it's the best gift. But people keep on thinking that gifts are essentials!
Talking about gift, the best gift I receive for 19 was very special. I received it by someone special too. Someone I told not to give me something, because seeing her and having her as a friend was just enough and amazing : Nano. Saturday, Nano went to see me home after her work. And she gave me something I didn't open in front of her because I was affraid of the effect. I was right. A few minutes after she left my house I opened the bag and saw the cutest thing ever. I almost cried. I couldn't believe she did something that amazing to me! It was the best gift! One full of love.
You'll probably don't understand why because you're not Nano or I. But this gift just mean the world. It means future and destiny. And I hope in the future I won't be the only one wearing it.

Nano, I know you're tired of that but:
Thank you so much! I can't even imagine you dubt about me liking this! Or you could : I don't like it, I LOVE it! Thank you for being my friend, for trusting me, for being there for me and know that I'm here for you too. Thank you for that and for all the things you did! I love you! <3

Hope you guys have an amazing BFF as I do! :)



lundi 2 juillet 2012

"She Will Be Loved" -by Jessica

She Will be Loved, is another song of Maroon 5. I'm so in love with Adam's voice. And with Adam himself. I love this song. Always loved it!
Just to tell something about Maroon 5 : They started their carreer 10 years ago, in 2002. I was only 9 and I already liked the songs. Ten years after, I'm not a child anymore, i still love the songs, I'm in love with the singer who looks far better than ten years ago, and well, now I can tell him that I'm legal... Okay, rude. And that's pretty the same for Shakira... for the SONGS! I'm not in love with her ..! Anyways...

I didn't came with a special aim. Today I went to Paris with my cousin's girlfriend. I really like her, she's really nice! Talked a lot about her relationship with him, but anyways, "engaged" people (they are together for two years now... yes she's 18 too) always talk about their couple. But she's cool anyway. We went to the Arts' bridge with all thoses lockers with couples names and anniversary's date. That's soooooooo romantic. HHHUMM!! I'm alone! LMAO. Not that I don't like it. I enjoy my singleness (exists? who cares!?). I don't wanna "grow" too fast (part of me : "HELLO! you are considered as grown, so act like an adult and stop saying that you don't wanna grow too fast... It's already done!" ; other part of "Oh, you shut the fuck up!!! She's a teenage girl who has a lot to learn, she is still like a little kid..!" Yes, I'm both, and?!!!) (don't pay too much attention to it, I'm not schizophrenic, just tired!).

And I read Nano's post saying that she's just a kid hated by her boss... I'm sure it's not true! She can't hate you! And be brave... It's soon over. School is coming fast. This bitch is always faster than evrything else! 

Don't go too speed, because even if you think you are tacking advantage, the time isn't going faster. Wait for the right moment to do things. And faster you run, closer is the end.
It's useless to run, good things come to those who wait. But don't wait to much, huh! (See, I'm so divided in my own self! Or maybe this isn't being divided, but balanced. Yeah, I prefer to be balanced. "Dude, I'm balanced, ok!?")

LOVE (and crazyness, tonight!),


dimanche 1 juillet 2012

This post is gonna help me to let it go. I don't ask you to read it. I just need to write it. I feel like this past few days were the hardest of my life. I feel not okay but I keep on pretending that I am; And that's awful to care about people's issues without having them caring about you. I never talk about my family about what's really in my head because I feel so different from them that Im just afraid of their reaction. I used to think that my differences made me stronger. But it doesn't! I try so hard to fit in the reality world and I can't because this is not me. YES, I'm 18, but I AM A KID! And I don't want a guy in my life, I don't want to hang out, I want to be me. I want to have fun while working, and now I just feel useless! My boss hates me, I can feel it, only because Im the most thoughtless and clumsy girl she has hired in her life and I don't think she has an idea of how bad I feel. I am an actress, I'll always be, I feel so comfortable while acting and this is what I want to feel at work. I thought this was my life, and that I could choose what I wanted to be. But apparently being an artist isn't a job! Well I'm sorry but I won't be a lawyer, a doctor or what, I'm just me and I'm not afraid of loosing myself because this reality world is not mine. It's yours. I don't belong to this.

Xoxo, Nano

"Fortune Teller"… by Jésica.

Fortune Teller, is a song from Maroon 5's new album. I'm in love with this band. Since I'm a kid "This Love" is one of my favorite songs (when I was a kid, I didn't understand the lyrics!). Maroon 5 is one of my favorite band of the moment. They are incredible, and Adam Levine couldn't be more sexy! He is better with his 33 years-old than with his 23! I'm just in love. The song is great. The title is perfect for my post.
 Today is July, 1st. 7 days left and I will be 19.  I'm not into ages. 19, it's just 18+1! And 18 was nothing more than the year I was graduated, I got my dricing licence, and I entered College. Such a big year but nothing really stricking. Just the useful. What will my 19 made of? That's the only thing that scares me! I feel like my future is really hazy. I haven't any real goal. I mean I don't know what I wanna work in. Oh wait, I do : Drama. I want to be an actress. But I mean, I don't know what I can peak as a rescue wheel. And I feel like this rescue wheel could be my life, actually. Because, if acting is my passion, what are my chances to make it become my life? I realised that it wasn't my destiny. I have to run away from my destiny to live it. Because our destiny is the same. There are just some brave ones who ran away from it and got to live their dreams and make it become their life. But living your dreams was never your destiny.
So I would like to plan my run, but it's hard.
More, arriving to my 19th b-day, I'm making a little balance. The balance is kinda like a comparison. Lately I've been talking with my cousin's girlfriend. She is the same age as me, and he is 1 year older than us. They are together for 2 years now, and latekly, they have some problems.
I compared myself with her : She's already into a real relationship, and I've never been into something serious. And I think I'm weird because lots of girl of 19 are into serious relationships. I think I may have a problem. But in another way, with the problems she has with him, she's like destroyed, she's always sad, blahblahblah. I don't wanna be sad because of a man! Gosh, I think I have like...YEARS to live sad relationship situations! So I feel like I'm truly living my "teenage", I'm FREE! No men, no problems! Better! ...I guess..? I don't know! And that's the why of the balance. It's kinda hard to make it. And probably it doesn't matter. Everyone has a life style. And mine isn't bad... I mean, I guess I'm happy like that. Not always. But at least often.

Whatever, even if my future is unclear, I'll try to turn off my front fog lamp and just go. Live the moment. Because I'm tired of regrets. My future is unclear but my present is right here. So I'm just gonna grab it, make it like I want and for the rest, I'll just see. The future depends on what I'm doing now. So i won't spent my time being sad about my lake knowledge about future because I draw it!
I try to feel like all is beginning now. I'm maybe not an Hollywood star, but I'm the actress of my own life.
"Think Positive, Be Amazing"— Wiz Khalifa

