Amanhã sei lá = For tomorrow, I don't know. - It's a brasilian song I really love. It's based on the Carpe Diem. Live you live today, and tomorrow you'll live it differently. Every day is a gift : "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called a 'present'" (From KungFu Panda).
Sorry for this little introduction! (haha) I'm in my mood "I wanna live the life big time, I don't care about tomorrow I'll see when it will turn 'today'"! Just a phase...Don't worry!
Actually, this mood came out because I start being really worried about my future. I don't really know what it will be like. It's not that my dream crushed, but it really seems like our Hollywoodian dream is taken away by this cold wind named "maturity" (wind brought by this authority called "parents" that forbid dreams and try to make our life being "safe and comfortable"... Dreams aren't safe and just SEEM comfortable). Whatever! I still dream one day I'll be on a big screen, my name associated with a big Hollywoodian production and with a cool serie watched by every teenager in the World. But before this dream coming true, I have to think about what I'm used to call "spare wheel": a scholar way! Which is something pretty hard to choose! I already tried with a year of Spanish studies in the university, and it's not what I hoped... Now I'll try with something more global... But I'm still insecure about my way. I'll be 19. My parents say it's time to "grow" and to take a way for MY future. How can I imagine the future if I am not even able to know how tomorrow will be? It's really hard to be a pre-adult! Even more than being just adult. Because adults have their life already made, they don't have to think about the future, it just come naturally. Pre-adults have to think about it even if they live "Carpe Diemly"... We live this way because we are affraid. Affraid of being nothing. Scared about crushing our parents' hopes. We want them to be proud so we try to make up for them. But we don't care about ourselves. We just wanna live. That's what I'm feeling. I wanna leave, travel, discover, make new friends, meet new people, try different things, be curious, be crazy, be carefree, fearless, be young forever. I want to Live. With a capital "L"!
Anyways, I told you what I think about the present, and the future! I won't talk about the past, cuz it's already done, right?
Actually, I wanted to tell you about this dream I had about Big Time Rush and it's "Wolf pack" (ahah)! But, I've almost forgot!
I just remember I was with the four guys, Kendall, Logan, Carlos and James, and with the two last named's dogs : Sydney and Fox, joining them in their Better With U Tour. We're all in a parc and I don't remember what happened, but I think someone wanted to hurt Fox (for sure it was one of those bad directioner who wanted to threw Fox, push Logy and make Kendy leave BTR! ahah! TRY, directioner and you'll pay with your life!! ahah... well!). So someone wanted to hurt Fox and the little puppy was missing. Sydney became crazy because she was almost lost without her little man (yeah, Fox is the man, as little as he is!). Carlos and I tried to make her keep it cool! We were like "Sydney! Sydney! Calm down!", trying to catch her while she was running all around the parc! Then we got to keep her calm and Kendall, Logan and James were still looking for Fox in the shrubs of the parc... Then James, desperatly, screamed "FOX!" and the little boy came out from a shrub in a hill. Then Fox ran toward us and my dream had a fabulous Happy Ending!
— The End —
Hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading!
Peace and much Love!
Thanks for reading!
Peace and much Love!
P.S.: Don't forget to watch Nano and I's photos in the mini gallery we have : WATCH US!