"Dices" is the Spanish version of Selena Gomez "Who says" song! I love the song! In both lenguages. And I can recognize myself in this song. So well, it's the title of this post.
Those times I don't feel like I really know who I am, where I am, where I will be. Life is just insecure. Anyway, I follow her as just as she comes. I'll wherever she'll take me to if I think it's good for me. I live it how I want. Regrets make Life. I guess.
School is just to re-begin and I don't really feel like the good times I had during the vacations will help me to get through what's waiting me there. I hate going to school, loosing my time with borring things. Life's too short to be used with those insanities. School is just a losse of time. I mean, school is good. Without it, we will all die without knowing things useful. But let's talk with honnesty, the 50% of the things you learn are for nothing! And so is the 50% of the time you spent on your school' banch. We just could stay less years at school. And less hour per day (but it's just about FRANCE, who think that beginning school at 8am and finishing at 6pm is good for self development! And I have to add that French students aren't more smart than any other student on earth. The contrary is maybe true.).
I just want to live. Discover new things! That's why, my plans aren't clear. There's too much too see and not enough time. The 2 next years will be dedicated to studies, I think. The year after, I would like to pack my bag(s) and leave, far-far-away, during one whole year to work (but far from home!). The year after... I would like to get back to my roots. Live one year in the Iberic side, between Portugal and Spain, maybe 6months/6months ; it would be cool. And then, wind will blow me where I shall really be. I'm only 19 (less 2 months). Life is mine. She has to be mine.
"Take the ride, don't let anyone take the decision and drive you. You own yourself. Nobody else does."
Let's runaway. Life's an adventure. ONE big adventure.