vendredi 9 décembre 2011

Happy Birthday, Nano !


"Happy Birthday", those two words are way too simples for you. I can't just tell you "Happy Birthday" and "I love you". There's is something more i would like to tell you, but i don't think i'll find the way to express it ! Let's try !

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Having one more candle on your birthday cake won't change a thing ...
18 is - usually - the symbol of maturity (who's talking ? ahah) and the enter in the "adult" life.
But for you, i wish your 18 will be the year of your dreams. I want you to live the best things, to live your dream. And i really want to live this with you !
I can easily say that you're one of the most influent person who entered in my life. Without you "The American Dream" should had stay a thought and not a "dream-project".
I really want to realize all the things we talked about : taking our suitcases, jump in an American AirLines and sing "Halfway There" when we will passing by the Atlantic Ocean. And then cry like babies when we'll touch LAX' shiny floor. Work in a laundry the pay the rent of our little flat in LA and look for every casting. Make an audition. Leave the work laundry. Leave the little flat. And become famous. I see it perfectly in my mind. But i can't see this without you !
You're very important to me. I want you to be happy because you deserve it !
And my boyfriend, Kendall Schmidt (Oh, I wish!) has the perfect lyrics to define you :
"You've got a heart of gold, a perfect original
Wish you would stop being so hard on yourself for a while
And when I see that face
I'd try a thousand ways
I would do anything to make you smile".
Then, I know we can do this. Even if we can't tell anyone about our dream because they'll tell us we're we are crazy, we are just dreamers (and John Lennon would say " you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"). But someday, those speakers will see us in their screens and it will sounds like a "F*ck you !" for them !

Well, this message isn't that good, isn't as i imagined it... but i don't really find my words.
The thing you have to get about this message is : I love you, and we will reach everything together ..!

and, before 12:00AM :

With all my heart,
. . .