vendredi 14 décembre 2012

Somebody that I used to know... —J.

Crazy song by Gotye. I love this song, it's so peaceful and at the same time full of meaning. Today I chose this song because of the title more than because of the main lyrics that are more about a relationship. I just gonna say some things I'm not really happy about those times... You know, like when you feel someone you love going a little bit further everytime... Just like that.

So those time, I feel like my best friend (not Nano, the other one I already talk about once) is changing a little. I love her. She's cool and fun. But since a while I feel like she's becoming really superficial. And I guess I already said before, it's because of a guy she met last year whe  she repeated class. They became friends. But even if this guy seems nice, he is so superficial. He only cares about appearances, about showing what he has. He told my friend that if she hadn't been good looking and rich, he would probably not be her friend. And I ask her, she told me that if he wasn't cute, well dressed and rich, she won't be his friend either. WHAT IS THAT? Since when friendship is about bank accounts and what's in you wardrobe? I mean I never heard something that stupid. That kiddish. That insane. Only jerks can think like this. I don't care if my friend has a spot, a top that is not "fashion" (and guys, fashion means nothing, you can wear "fashion" things, but if you haven't a style, a personnality, if you're not someone, you could dress Dior and look like a dog). A friend is about sharing, giving and receiving, but not material things, it's all about experiences, life and love. Does it mean that the poor can't have friends because he wears old clothes? It's stupid and totally unchic.
That's why I use to think that "poor" people have more values than riches.
My best friend has money... But I don't think she has great values. For her, family means nothing. I'm sorry, but if you have friends (plus, if they are like the guy she sees) and no family, you're really poor. A Life without family is uncomplete. And a life without friend is uncomplete too. You need both. But don't make a choice. Learn to keep both and you'll be happy. 

Lately, she told me "my neighbour is sad, poor him, he can't buy expansive clothes because he's growing up too fast. What a pity". Poor him because he is growing up too fast or because he thinks that expansive clothes mean that you're better dressed than others? If it's the second, yes poor him, because he is becoming someone really stupid. Seriously! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!
I'm so mad when I hear those kind of stupidities!
And then when they see a hobo in the street it's : or they say "ooohh poor him" or they turn their heads. I can understand, it's hard to face misery when you can spend €70 in a teeshirt made in china that you could have buy 15 in a "normal" store (that you refuse to visit because it is soooooo cheap, jerk!). I can't even face misery myself because sometime, I feel giulty when I have bought a 15euros tee shirt, or a 5euros ring.
I'm sorry, but I can't help myself. I can't bear superficial people. And I love my best friend, but she is becoming more and more like this! Yesterday it was because of her hair. She doesn't want to be called the brown haired girl" (her hair is brown really really clear... almost dark blond) she want to be called "the blond girl", so she has to change her hair color (OMG!!!! What a drama to be called brown haired when you actually have brown hair!). And that's all because the guy who has a bad bad influence on her said that he loved blonds....
The worst : they are travelling the only two of them by the end of the year. They're not dating, but she is in love with him, so she accepted to dump her usually beloving friends to spend New year Eve with him. We will all agree when you celebrate new year, you can't do it with just one another person. She dumped everyone to be with him.
Anyways, I'm sorry I so mad at her. She has a sweet life, has anything she wants to be happy, and she is becoming a so superficial girl. I love her, I don't want her to become the kind of person I hate.
She is obviously always complaining.
Anyways. I'm so mad I can't go on. Lately there is too much to say about things she is doing wrong. I'm not a perfect girl, I know it. But even if I changed, I'll always respect the things my parents learn me : what matters is what's within ; money don't bring good (and I learn by myself that it brings stupidity) ; love your family and friends ; never forget from where you come.
And I guess everyone should remember that, anytime of the day, and more when they meet people. You can't chose your family, but you do chose your friends, so chose them well, and not by their money of the brands they are wearing, but about what they have to learn to you, what they will bring you in the way of seeing things. Don't let them change you if it's not to become better. 

I'm sorry. I just had to free myself. I'm not totally done. But it's enough for today.
Honey, I'm sorry for what I said, I'm just affraid you're escaping me, you're changing for bad. Trust me and care your relations... Love you.

Thanks if you read.
Mucho amor. 

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