mardi 17 janvier 2012

"Cherry Bomb" -Jessica.

I just saw THE RUNAWAYS for the sixth time, maybe more... And everytime I watch this movie I'm full of inspiration, rock, rebelion !

If i wasn't raised with a good education, I would be a badass seed (sometimes, I am).
This movie make me wanna live what those girls lived (even if it was full of alcohol, drugs and sex !)!
But don't worry, I won't turn bad if I get to be an actress in Hollywood. I won't turn bad because I want my parents to be proud and I want to be with Nano who's totally against those kind of things, and also because i don't like it neither, but i guess I really want to act in a movie like that. You know, becoming someone who's the total opposite of yourself!
That's why I love acting : you can be whoever who want, do whatever you want because it's not true! It's just a movie and it's just so cool and fun ! One day you're the cool girl who's the perfect daughter, the perfect student and the perfect friend and the other day, you're the badass seed, the rebel girl (sometimes i really am a rebel girl ahah).

Acting is just my life ! I don't know if I ever said it before, but whatever, i'm gonna retell it, Gaga says something that also defines me "I live between reality and fantasy. My life is a theatre". Even if Gaga and me aren't really living it the same way, the sentence can be applied to me !
I'm always playing ! Today i was speaking with my mom and suddenly I said something that sounded pretty dramatic and my mom told "what an actress"...
Whatever... It would be mean if Nano and I don't get our chance. I mean we don't care about the money, or the succes... We just want to live our dream.

I can't wait more. School is driving me crazy. Everytime i'm thinking about being sitted quietly behind a desk doing stupid things, stupid exams I want to break something ! And I am sick and tired of doing things I don't want to do, things that won't take me anywhere, things that make me loose my time !
"I wanna stick it to man" ! No really, I really need to fly away now. I need to be missing my familiars and not my dream, because if I miss my family, I can make up coming back to Paris, and if I miss my dream, it means I screwed up with my life.

I don't want to fucking stay at the fucking school.
I don't want This to stay a dream.
